Today's an especially slow day. My partner in crime is not in the office today as it's his day off, and so it's just me in the office alone for 8 hours today. All the issues that have come up I dealt with in minutes, and that was first thing this morning. One guy here has a Brother Hl-2270dw printer and it's always causing little issues that are quick to resolve. This morning it asked him to replace the drum unit and so he did, but he didn't reset the drum counter and it was still throwing errors at him. All I did was go down and reset it and it was up and running again.
Stuff like that I find cool though. This printer has no screen or whatever to show errors or messages, and so it has 4 LED's on the top that light up in different patterns depending on the issue. They can be on, off, or flashing which gives 4^3 possible messages that can be displayed. It's smart to give your lower end model of printer meaningful messages without the need of a pricey touch screen interface.