Well I'm starting to feel better finally. Throat isn't as sore, body aches are pretty much all gone. Although I'm not sure how long this will last for, as almost everyone at my job is sick with something. But, that's an issue for another day. Right now I need to figure out what to do with myself while working.
Yesterday I fixed a printer issue, which was a quality of life improvement. The system our company uses to check guests into their rooms is called InnSource. When the guests are going to leave on a day we have to print their check out form which is a standardized piece of paper they fill out, which has their name, room number, and group name pulled from our system and puts it on their page. What was happening was when we did batch prints of 100+ forms none of them would print, almost like they were getting clogged up somewhere. This resulted in a colleague and I having to print the blank forms and write out their name, room number, and group name by hand which was a time consuming process. Then again, I have nothing but time so maybe I should have left it. So I did some research and learnt about the spooler on a computer and how it handles print jobs and what not. Anyway, I figured that maybe it was taking so long to print because it wasn't getting the check out forms constructed that quickly and the spooler would only send the job once every single page was done. So what I did was I made it bypass the spooler and just send the pages as soon as the computer received the page, and it worked. Only annoying bit now is that instead of one 100 page long job, the printer now gets 100 one page long jobs. So that makes the printer ding alot but ah well